

Everything is connected...

... and sometimes it is difficult to disentangle this mesh with the company's internal view. With an objective angle we help you to get transparency, to see the connections and unfold blind spots in your IT product. With our Team Analysis we support you in organising your team for effective work.

Our Process Analysis sets a spotlight on functional pain points and avoidable overhead. It enables your team to get workflows with automation and templates in order to reduce their daily mental load.

No IT team and process works without proper tooling and technology. Our Tool Analysis optimizes your team's workbench for maximum performance and quality.

We analyse. We define. We implement.

In a first introduction call we will discuss your current situation, your IT product vision and your goals.

Team Analysis

We have a close look at your team and its work to identify current roles, imbalances, silo-employees, bad habits and communication issues. We compare this with your understanding and expectations for the team and the team's self-perception in order to align them ultimately.

It is important to find a common ground and understanding of effective work and disturbing factors with the team. Once this is settled we can help to establish the roles and responsibilities necessary to get things done more effectively.

This often means:

  • Distributing responsibilities to all members of the team
  • Reducing the amount of internal meetings and/or the number of their attendees
  • Establishing simple communication rules for different levels of task or project management
  • Closing gaps of knowledge and skill with highly individualised workshops
  • Reorganizing or replacing time consuming habits
  • Introducing best practices for value-based prioritisation
  • Cutting down long-lived backlogs and focusing on short term goals
  • Bringing back requirements, research and solution together in one task
  • Straightening and reducing communication channels used in or with the team

But your team is not like any other team, that's why every team needs its individual measures and trainings.

Let's talk about your team and its potential to grow with your IT product.

RolesResponsibilitiesSilosCommunicationMental load

Process Analysis

Inefficient processes in teams are an underrated time, resource and motivation killer. We work closely with your team to experience its processes first hand. Pain points, manual repetition and lazy workarounds will surface quickly. With best practices, templates and automation we can help your team to tackle these daily obstacles and create more uninterrupted time for value-adding work.

This often means:

  • Concluding agreements with the team for more effective processes
  • Introducing best practices and templates for workflows
  • Implementing automation of workflows which support or drive the processes
  • Making it easier for people to adapt to or change the processes
  • Integrating the processes into already used tools and systems for convenience
  • Ensuring active alerting for defined breaking points in processes to reduce mental load

Even functional processes can negatively impact your team, so we help you to get both on the same track.

Let's talk about your team's processes and how to make them more effective.


Tool Analysis

Choosing the right hammer for your nail is not easy nowadays. The market of tools, services and catchy promises is huge in the IT landscape. We often see people fall for currently hyped products which are not suitable for their actual needs. Small teams have to maintain more programming languages than the team has members. The knowledge for implemented solutions weighs on a single person's shoulders. And so on...

We help your team to make sustainable choices when it comes to reliable and manageable technology and tools for your IT product.

Once decisions are made, we support your team with initial setups, configurations and documentation to get everything up and running and foster professional development and maintenance.

This often means:

  • Reviewing your entire system from infrastructure components to code blocks
  • Reducing the amount of divergent technology through team agreements
  • Recommending proven technology and tools for the tasks at hand
  • Developing a sustainable architecture with your team
  • Reducing system complexity as much as possible
  • Deciding on appropriate coding languages and guidelines
  • Making environments bulletproof and reproducible by Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
  • Adding automated tests and documentation

Your IT stack does not have to be fancy, we help you to make it a reliable and effective tool, so your team can focus on creating value for your product, your customers and your company.

Let's talk about your technology stack and how to align it with your product, team and its processes.

ArchitectureCode ReviewInfrastructureApps & LibrariesMaintenance
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Logo of Technische Universität Dresden
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TRICERA energy

Together with a team of engineers and developers, we help building a software and infrastructure solution for industrial-sized battery storage systems which are optimized for coupling with all regenerative energy power plants.

More Services

You are looking for specific services or have a different need? Have a look at our code and infrastructure reviews and our workshops. Didn't find what you are looking for? Let's talk and see if we can help you.

For CEOs

  • Professional code review for CEOs

    Your team has built a proof of concept, MVP or early stage product? Get a second opinion to check if your product is ready for the market.

For CTOs and tech leads

For investors and acquirers of software

For software team leads

  • Professional code review for software team leads

    You struggle with continuous stability issues and bugs after a new release? You experience degradation of your codebase in a highly fluctuating team? Get an objective angle on your software to find error-prone pieces of code, "broken windows" and workarounds.